My Equelle Experience: Why One Month Isn’t Enough, But 90 Days Makes All the Difference

My Equelle Experience: Why One Month Isn’t Enough, But 90 Days Makes All the Difference

Navigating the complexities of menopause has been an overwhelming experience filled with unexpected physical and emotional changes. From disruptive night sweats and persistent hot flashes, along with mood fluctuations and a general sense of discomfort, my daily life has been completely upended.

Of course, everyone’s symptoms and journeys are different, but I needed help — and I didn’t want to go down the hormonal therapy route just yet.

My friend Megan suggested that I check out Equelle — a popular hormone-free supplement that can help women experiencing mild-to-moderate symptoms of perimenopause, menopause, or postmenopause.

Looking through their website, I love that Equelle understands that each journey is unique and they work to support you. So I gave them a shot. They recommend sticking with the regimen for at least 3 months — no significant improvements happen instantaneously anyway — so I kept with it and decided to pen down my journey and help other women in the same situation.

Read my 4-month journey with Equelle below or skip to:

Month 1

Although I trust my friend, Megan, starting something new is always daunting, and it was the same with Equelle. S-equol — Equelle’s key ingredient — has a similar structure to estrogen and can mimic some of its beneficial effects. By binding to the body’s estrogen receptors, it mimics the effects of estrogen to address the root cause of fundamental menopausal symptoms.

You’re supposed to take two tablets once a day, which I do — to stay consistent. I didn’t see any major results initially and was starting to feel discouraged. But I read multiple testimonies from other users who shared the same experience and they all recommend staying with Equelle for 3 months — that’s when they started noticing changes. So, I decided to stick with it a little longer.

Month 2

By the second month, I was in a routine of taking my tablets every day, and I actually started seeing results. I was so happy that I stuck with them.. My hot flashes — which would show up at the most inappropriate times — started to decrease in frequency. I noticed that my mood swings were less pronounced, and the muscle aches that I often had daily were lessening.

The best part? With over 20 years of proven research, Equelle and its key ingredient, S-equol, have been shown to be safe by scientific experts to have:

  • No association with breast cancer
  • No changes in sex or thyroid hormones
  • No negative effects on endometrial health

Although my gradual improvements were noticeable, they reminded me to stick with Equelle for 90 days, as recommended, for optimal results.

Month 3

By month 3, I was experiencing significantly fewer hot flashes — down by close to half — plus, I’m sleeping an additional 50 minutes each night! I never realized how catching more zzz’s can improve my mood and overall health. I even notice slight improvements in my vaginal symptoms, which is a super uncomfortable aspect of menopause.

I was so happy with the way Equelle made me feel that ending this daily routine was the furthest thing from my mind. I get Equelle shipped right to me without a prescription — No need to pay to see a doctor. I also subscribed to a 90-day plan which makes Equelle only $37 a month— and there are no worries about running out. It was a no-brainer considering the relief I was getting. Also, my subscription came with a free 15-minute health coaching call!

Month 4

I’m thrilled that I trusted Equelle and stuck with it for their 90-day recommendation. I can confidently say that Equelle is a total game changer in managing my menopausal journey.

After struggling with restless nights and hot flashes, I realized it’s possible to significantly improve your quality of life with Equelle. This regimen has shown me the importance of persistence and patience for this challenging phase of life.

I encourage anyone struggling with menopause to consider Equelle to manage their symptoms. It’s so much more affordable than going down the prescription route or other hormonal replacement treatments. Especially with a 90-day subscription — just $37 a month.

But remember, our bodies respond at their own pace, so don’t give up if you don’t see immediate results. Major changes didn’t start for me until about least three months in.

I trusted Megan and tried Equelle, and I’m so grateful I did!

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