The Best Bath Soak For Women, Reviewed

The Best Bath Soak For Women, Reviewed

There’s nothing better than a long, relaxing bath.

With the stress of work and the kids away at college, I try to take one every weekend, complete with bath bombs, candles and a book. But lately, I noticed the bath bombs I used to love were drying out my skin. Not only that, I felt very itchy and irritated when using bath and soak products.

The right bath product is what makes the whole self-care ritual feel special in the first place – the fun scents, the luxurious feel – so I had to find something new. Plus, I do feel calmer and more ready for sleep when I soak, which is super helpful when my night sweats usually keep me up.

I asked my friends if they were using a cool bath gel or something like it, that worked. One told me she’d ordered Kindra’s new Soothe Bath Soak, and absolutely loved it.

It was news to me, but most drugstore bath bombs aren’t actually formulated to hydrate or nourish skin – it’s more about a fizzy, fun experience. And sometimes relaxing depending on the scent. This definitely made sense – especially since my skin was parched from my last bath bomb – but I wasn’t familiar with Kindra.

Kindra makes products that relieve the symptoms of menopause, but you can just buy them online – no need for a doctor or anything. Interesting! I wasn’t sure I needed a menopause-focused bath soak, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized menopause has definitely been having an effect on me, especially my skin. Even my vaginal skin felt drier than EVER, which made me feel itching and irritated. Sometimes, it would even wake me up – the discomfort – can you believe that? I couldn’t pinpoint anything besides the hot flashes, but I was willing to take any help I could get.

This Bath Soak is made with a scientifically-driven formula that considers your vaginal pH. So, apparently, vaginal pH increases as we age. Bath products usually have high pH, too. The problem? A high vaginal pH can be really uncomfortable, and can even contribute to more infections and dryness. So, Kindra’s team developed a soak with a bit of a lower pH, so that it can make sure not to add to the irritation you already may be experiencing! It is made with a peptide that is clinically-tested for sensitive skin. It also combines oat kernel extract that’s rich in fatty acids, anti-inflammatory chamomile extract, plus Vitamin E and coconut oil.

Formulated with the support of OB/GYNs and their super important perspective on menopausal skin, it’s vegan, cruelty-free, free of synthetic fragrance; I definitely don’t think I could say that about any of my previous products. Now that I thought about it, I did have some vaginal itching and dryness, and if I just found a product to relieve it, I’d be over the moon.

I ordered their Soothe Bath Soak, along with The Daily Vaginal Lotion and Applicator; it’s pH-balanced with some of the same ingredients as the Bath Soak, and I could use some extra moisturizing help down there.

My package happened to arrive on a weekend, so I headed straight for the bath with a lavender candle and my new thriller. When I poured in the Soothe Bath Soak. It didn’t bubble or fizz – but that’s kind of the point since those ingredients are irritating for my intimate skin. The water immediately felt super silky, and the aroma was just right, super clean and natural – like a hint of rose. My skin has never felt softer. After a few soaks that week, I felt no irritation down there which was awesome. Finally.

I hadn’t really been thinking about my body’s hormonal shifts, but once I slowed down with Kindra’s Bath Soak, I realized that there had been some major changes. Part of the reason I look forward to my baths so much is that I’m not sleeping well! The Soothe Bath Soak definitely eased me into a more restful night’s sleep.

The next day, I noticed my skin and hands were less dry. My intimate skin didn’t feel irritated at all like it usually does after baths. The Daily Vaginal Lotion and Applicator also helps make a daily difference to my comfort levels.

I love that Kindra’s Bath Soak isn’t merely one more serum or pill on my nightstand; it’s an amazing addition to my wellness regimen, so I can take on each day at my best.

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