The Beauty Brand Proving Superfoods Are More Than a Fad

The Beauty Brand Proving Superfoods Are More Than a Fad

We all remember the superfood craze. That was when Kale became a staple in the Health Food lexicon, as did açaí bowls and goji berries and the like.

Mostly, I remember hearing that chocolate was a superfood and using that to spur me in my purchasing of many a chocolate bar. Sure, they were talking about dark chocolate. And sure, I was eating exclusively milk chocolate … but it had to count for something, I told myself.

Like any health craze, superfoods had their day but soon another fad took their place at the forefront of GOOPy conversation.

Still, superfoods did have a lasting impact. Despite their transience in the mainstream, a faint ring of the term still echoes through Whole Foods and Erewhon and cooking blogs (I suspect … last time I was on one I was learning to make the TikTok feta pasta and that contained a grand total of 0 superfoods).

Superfoods also made a lasting impact in the beauty space. Instead of just ingesting the purportedly magical ingredients, we can allegedly put them on our bodies and reap the benefits of their nutrient rich properties — something about “antioxidants” or some other buzzword.

Product by product, superfoods have made it to the shelves. From the Superfood Cleanserfrom Youth to the People to the Sunday Riley Juno Antioxidant + Superfood Face Oil, the term might not be as ubiquitous, but damn if it doesn’t make me believe that a product must be good for me … right?

In the case of Golde, it just might be.

Golde is a Black owned brand which fully embraces the power of superfoods. Their products range from edible to topical, claiming to detox both your insides and outsides, and — here’s the kicker — they actually work.

Developed by founder Trinity, Golde started with the Turmeric Latte blend and has grown from the passion project she started in her apartment to the thriving company it is now — we love a coming of age story. Golde’s mission is simple: “to make wellness easy, accessible and fun for all.”

According to their website, “self-care means feeling like your best self. We believe that being well should feel good. That means products that fit seamlessly into your lifestyle, not the other way around.” With their natural, edible products, they use simple ingredients to make simple, effective products that have wellness and accessibility at their core.

Now, she has a range of products that have become a cult on the internet amongst Golde devotees. So Golde girls, if you’re reading this, invite me to the club, let me in your ranks of glowing skin and effortless beauty.

The wellness products include the Coconut Collagen Boost, the Shroom Shield, the Pure Matcha, and the various Turmeric Latte Blends — Trinity’s first product. They also recently released a collection of Super-Ades: the Debloat Ade, the Skin Hydration Ade, and the Destress Ade. Each works to target health from the inside and outside through simple but effective dietary supplements.

Their social media and online blogs engage their audience with fun recipes which go beyond lattes and smoothies. Try a Superfood Cookie Dough Ball using their Cacao Latte Blend or a Collagen Waffle. The fun, inventive recipes make wellness both accessible and fun — take that, That Girl.

Their topical products are newly minted powerhouses in the skincare realm. Their hero products are their two face masks: the Clean Greens Face Mask and the Papaya Bright Face Mask. Both award winning masks have become staples for their natural non-irritating ingredients, and their undeniable results.

Unlike many clay masks, which strip the skin, ruin your moisture barrier, clog your pores, and often do more harm than good (damn, who hurt her? you might be asking. The answer: the Aztec Healing Clay mask mixed with apple cider vinegar … I should’ve known better), the Golde powder masks nourish your skin — feeding those good good superfoods into your face instead of pulling your natural oils out.

Golde makes superfoods seem worth the hype, bringing back the health craze of yore with a new, young twist and a slate of versatile products.

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