This Spring I Switched To Hint, Here’s What I Thought

This Spring I Switched To Hint, Here’s What I Thought
It’s Springtime, and you know what that means? Time for a fresh start. I think we’re all ready to leave the last year behind us. Problems won’t vanish overnight, but we can still take small steps to move forward, and that’s exactly what I plan to do now. I’m determined to start forming better habits.

It’s been a tough time so I’m not going to be pushing myself to do anything unattainable. I want to change my eating habits, but I decided to start small and try to increase my water intake. I know that drinking mostly caffeinated or sugary beverages aren’t good for me, I’m constantly dehydrated.

The only problem is, I’ve never been crazy about the taste of plain water. I’ve tried to keep up with the daily intake and even downloaded apps to try and remind myself to drink the recommended amount, but it has never come easy to me.

Sure, there’s flavored water, but most of those options contain sugars and sweeteners. That defeats the purpose for me since they tend to be unhealthy.

I was explaining my dilemma to Amy who then recommended I try Hint water. I looked it up and saw that it’s fruit-infused water that contains 0 sweeteners, 0 sugars, and 0 calories.

They have tons of flavors that sounded delicious – like Watermelon, Cherry, and Peach. Plus, Hint conveniently delivers right to my doorstep. When I saw they had a new customer offer I decided to give it a try! You get 3 cases, that’s 36 bottles, for $1 per bottle plus free shipping, what an amazing deal!

I ordered Watermelon, Pineapple, and Cherry. The delivery arrived at my door and I couldn’t wait to try it. It was so refreshing and the flavors were subtle but tasty. I found it thirst-quenching and easy to drink. My goal was small – just a couple of bottles a day, but I ended up finishing all 36 bottles in less than 2 weeks! I never thought I’d be able to do this so easily!

Taking small steps to better ourselves is all we can do at the moment, and staying hydrated throughout the day is super important. Thanks to Hint I’m able to enjoy the taste of water.

If you’re looking for an easy way to drink more water, try Hint. Take advantage of their new customer special and get 36 bottles for $36, plus free shipping. Their flavors are delicious and I love having it delivered straight to my door!

Follow this link to get 36 bottles for $36 PLUS free shipping!