5 Changes To Make in Your Home To Reduce Anxiety

5 Changes To Make in Your Home To Reduce Anxiety

It’s sad to think that many people have trouble relaxing even when they are at home.

Our homes should be places of rest and recuperation, but far too many of us live in stress-filled, anxiety-generating spaces. If your own home isn’t a place where you can relax, where else is there to do so? Thankfully, there are ways to change this. We’re going to suggest a few changes to make in your home to reduce anxiety so that it can once again be a place of relaxation rather than stress.

Keep Your Spaces Open

A lot of stress and anxiety can come from feeling claustrophobic in your own home. When it feels like everything has piled up on top of you, anxiety levels increase and make it harder to relax. If you’re able, try to replace darker furniture and curtains with lighter and smaller alternatives to make the room feel more open. The illusion of having more space will help alleviate some of that claustrophobia.

Implement Organizational Systems

If you run your house more by chaos and whims than a definitive system, you’ll find yourself much more stressed out and anxious. By taking the time to categorize your stuff, you can reduce the anxiety that comes from feeling disorganized. Now is also the perfect time to downsize and take a more minimalist approach to your possessions, which can also take a lot of weight off your shoulders. You’ll be surprised how good an impromptu decluttering session can feel.

Make Things Brighter

Humans can’t thrive in the dark for too long. Getting the right amount of light, especially natural light from the sun, is an integral part of feeling less anxious. If your windows aren’t up to the task, consider adding in a few more lamps with daylight bulbs in them. Even artificial light has mental benefits, as long as it isn’t a harsh yellow or blue light.

Stick To Muted Colors

One of the more straightforward changes to make in your home to reduce anxiety is the colors you surround yourself with. Our brains react to specific colors very differently. Overly dark colors can put us in somber moods, whereas loud and bright colors can wind us up and get our anxiety going without us realizing it. The best colors for relaxation are usually cooler and more muted colors—stick to pale blues, purples, and grays.

Utilize More Greenery

Having an abundance of plants is a fantastic way to improve your space’s overall feel. The presence of greenery has a positive effect on our mental states. A little bit of nature goes a long way. Adding in greenery also better oxygenates your home, leading to improved air quality. This has the additional benefit of helping you feel better physically and mentally.

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