How I’m Getting My Eating Habits On Track In 2021 With HelloFresh

How I’m Getting My Eating Habits On Track In 2021 With HelloFresh

I can’t be the only one when I say I can’t even remember what it’s like to have a somewhat healthy routine. The last few months have been so unpredictable and stressful that I have just been taking every day as it came. But that led to zero planning or organization in my days.

I finally got fed up with lazy and unproductive days, and so did my mind and body. I needed to revamp my routine before this year was over. I started getting up earlier and at the same time every day, planning my work days and evenings with actual to-do lists. I got into the swing of going for a walk once a day, even if it was just for 20 mins. Once 9 pm rolls around, my phone and TV are off, and I unwind before bed with a book.

There was just one last part I still needed to change: my diet. I was never amazing at cooking at home but ordering in and eating from the frozen aisle was now a daily occurrence. I needed to change if I was serious about my new wellness routine.

I started searching for easy dinner recipes online, but there was no way I would be able to make them, plus the ingredients list was so long. Just as I was about to give up, I found a recipe from HelloFresh. It only took 20 mins, and the recipe looked doable, even for me. I noticed HelloFresh is a meal kit, so they send you all the ingredients along with the recipes for the meals you choose so you can cook them at home.

It looked great, but how would it taste? Would the meat and vegetables be fresh? And would it only take 30-40 minutes to cook a whole homemade meal? I always jump to the reviews, and I was surprised to see families, couples, and housemates loving their HelloFresh delivery.

The recipes sounded like exactly what I wanted to eat, and it would save me time going to the grocery store, not to mention if it was good. It’s a perfect solution to meal planning and having a home-cooked meal in my new routine.

The meals start at only $9.69 per serving, and I could cancel or pause the subscription at any time, so I gave HelloFresh a shot. I opted for the Meat and Veggie plan for 2 people with 4 recipes. Every week, HelloFreshhas up to 25 recipes for me to choose from, so I knew I’d never get bored!

In a few days, my HelloFresh box was at my door. The insulated box with ice packs had all the ingredients for each recipe, perfectly portioned and in brown compostable bags. I loved how all the packing is recyclable, and getting your food delivered from HelloFresh instead of going to the grocery store is better for the environment too.

HelloFresh cuts out the middle distribution so their food has a lower carbon footprint, and they source many of their ingredients from local farmers and producers. No grocery store in between means their food is fresher and gets to you faster.

That evening after a crisp walk to clear my head after work, it was time to test the first HelloFresh recipe; Sizzling Pork Fajitas with Roasted Peppers, Lime Crema, and Salsa Fresca.

It sounded amazing, and the picture on the recipe card did make my mouth water, but with my cooking skills and not knowing how good the ingredients were, my expectations were low.

As I took out the meat and vegetables, I started to smile, all the ingredients were all prepped and in the exact quantities. No messing around; it was straight into the cooking, which was surprisingly fun! I followed the recipe card step by step, and there was nothing I couldn’t do.

30 minutes later, and I was sitting down eating a delicious home-cooked meal. I really couldn’t believe I made it and the best part there were leftovers, so that was lunch sorted for tomorrow.

The next three nights, I found myself enjoying cooking my meals. HelloFresh makes cooking dinner so stress-free that it has become my new way to unwind and switch off in the evenings.

A month into my new routine with HelloFresh, and I’m feeling the benefits. My mind and body feel clearer and refreshed, and I feel organized, extra productive, and prepared for everything. HelloFresh is convenient, better for the environment, and better for me.

Update: The folks at HelloFresh are extending a special offer to our readers! Follow this link to get up to 16 free meals including free shipping