Here’s How I Discovered The Real Power Of Hemp

Here’s How I Discovered The Real Power Of Hemp

When plant wellness products became a very popular topic of conversation in the break room, I didn’t pay much attention. But then I overheard it could help with “muscle and body recovery. Would it help my forever nagging shoulder?

I ordered some hemp oil and couldn’t wait to give it a go. I used it every night on my back and shoulders for two weeks before bed but the soreness never got any better and neither did my sleep. A month or two later, while in my local health food store I saw a Hemp muscle rub, specifically for backache. It was reasonably priced so I threw it in my basket. Three weeks later I threw it in the trash. After two failed attempts, I learned my lesson.

“I’ve tried it out but it just doesn’t work for me”, was all I could contribute to the lunch break conversations.

That’s why I was so surprised to see an R+R Advanced Soothing Rub among all the birthday decorations on my desk. As I picked up the box, I was slightly confused, it said 750mg of Broad Spectrum hemp and it was from a brand called Prima. I’d never seen this brand before.

My face probably said it all, as one of my colleagues piped up and added, “We all agreed you needed to try Prima, it will change your mind about hemp”. Yeah, probably not, I thought. But I smiled and thanked all my colleagues, hoping there would at least be cake at lunch.

A week later when Tina, my colleague who sits next to me, asked what I thought of Prima, I was embarrassed to open my desk cupboard to show her the box unopened. I admitted I had no interest in trying it. Then she asked how my back was.

Now I felt bad and I looked a little ungrateful. I had zero expectations for any hemp product but I had nothing to lose by trying it. Before bed, I took out the Prima box and started to read it. It wasn’t just hemp it has so many other really amazing ingredients. Menthol to deliver a cooling sensation, eucalyptus to help soothe areas of the body in need, and marula oil and shea butter provide intense hydration. Prima also incorporates beneficial botanicals like tea tree, lavender, rosemary, and peppermint, to encourage total relaxation.

I squeezed some out and rubbed it into the areas that give me discomfort especially at night time. I loved how non-greasy it felt and how quickly it absorbed into my skin. That night I had the most peaceful sleep in months. I used it every night for the last two weeks and I can’t believe how good my sleep is now and how much better my shoulder and back feel.

Prima Premium Hemp Products You Have 30 Days To Fall In Love Try Prima Today

I couldn’t understand why Prima was working for me and none of the other hemp products did. I went onto their website for answers and, well, it was clear. Prima believes in whole-body wellness and that is exactly how I feel when I use their products. What really set Prima apart from every company offering hemp was the true transparency and honesty. Their hemp is the highest of quality and they prove it with the best-in-class 3rd party ISO/IEC-accredited laboratories to ensure every batch of their products for consistency, quality, purity, and potency. They layout all their ingredients so clearly so you know exactly what you are taking, no hidden harmful ingredients.

Needless to say, my colleagues are delighted and take full responsibility for introducing me to high-quality hemp that works!

If hemp has never worked for you, or you’re intrigued to try it for the first time, don’t waste your money and go straight to Prima.

Ready to Be Your Best Self? You Have 30 Days to Try Prima & Fall In Love, or Send It Back – No Questions Asked! PLUS Free Shipping on Orders Over $75!

This is a real testimonial.

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.