How Splendid Spoon Helped Me Transform My Work From Home Eating Habits

How Splendid Spoon Helped Me Transform My Work From Home Eating Habits

A few years ago, I started going to the gym, drastically cut down on meat, and quit eating desserts all in one month.

It was a seismic shift and I’ll admit the dessert part was my biggest challenge. But I took care of any residual chocolate cravings by occasionally rewarding myself with the most decadent chocolate concoctions – on my birthday, say. I was confident I had sugar conquered.

Until recently. Everything’s changed so much. Finding fresh, plant-based foods in my neighborhood is impossible these days. Feeling frustrated and needing some cheap comfort, I caved and added 3 packs of Oreos to my shopping cart. I ate 10 Oreos on the walk home and polished off the rest of the pack for dinner.

Normally I’d top up my daily workout by 30 minutes to burn off the extra calories, but my gym’s closed until further notice. So, basically, I’ve gained 10 lbs! I need healthy food or I’ll lose the lifestyle balance I worked so hard to achieve.

I don’t have any exercise equipment at home except for my yoga mat. I run through my asanas with an online class to relax during these stressful days. Then I do this fantastic full-body, no-equipment workout circuit: 1 set of Air Squats; 2 sets of Negative Push-ups; 20 reps of Rotating V Sits. Then I cap it off with 20 standing broad jumps. Okay, my downstairs neighbor hates me.

After I’d worked yoga and exercise into my new routine, the question was, what to do about food?

I decided to skip the grocery store and its temptations and look into meal kits and food delivery services. With health and nutrition as my new primary goals, I liked what I was reading about Splendid Spoon.

Splendid Spoon’s a subscription service that delivers ready-to-eat, plant-based soups, smoothies. and grain bowls straight to your door. Every meal they offer is vegan, gluten-free, GMO-free, and high in protein. They’re also rich in healthy fats and superfoods like hibiscus, matcha, acai, and turmeric. Processed sugar is nowhere on the menu – just the kind of food I need to fuel my exercise discipline.

They make things super easy and convenient. I simply pick a plan and a week’s worth of meals arrives on my doorstep. I can select Splendid Spoon’s weekly menu or customize my meals from 40+ meals.

With such a wealth of recipes and cuisines to sample, Splendid Spoon’s not just convenient, it’s economical. Meals start at only $9 – and they come in pre-portioned amounts so there’s no food waste.

No time waste, either. All I have to do is heat up the soup and the smoothies are ready to drink. More time to burn calories and get back in shape. Then I noticed they have Wellness Shots that contain lemon, oregano, and ginger to boost your immunity. So, I ordered a couple to try them out.

My first delivery arrived and everything was chilled in sealed packs, ready to pop in the fridge. If I don’t get around to eating the soups immediately, they’ll keep in the freezer for up to a month. (They’re so yummy, they won’t last that long, promise.)

The food’s as tasty as the cooking’s easy. I’m really loving the Zucchini Puttanesca and the Coconut Curry Rice Bowl. And nothing hits the spot after a challenging workout than their Blackberry Basil Smoothie.

Splendid Spoon has taken the hassle out of food shopping, delivery, and preparation. Not to mention I get such a wide variety of healthy nutrients in each meal. If I bought each of these ingredients by itself it would be time consuming to prepare and, frankly, beyond my budget.

My diet’s right on track and my home workouts are a breeze due to these nutrient-rich superfoods. Thanks to Splendid Spoon, I’m back to my healthy routine and starting to notice a difference in my body already!

Although I could use some help with my one-handed tree pose . . .

Update: The folks at Splendid Spoon are extending an exclusive offer to our readers! For a limited time, get $15 OFF the most popular plans!