Starting a New Job? Here’s How to Nail Your First Day

Starting a New Job? Here’s How to Nail Your First Day

After what seems like a thousand internships, you finally got it, a first job in your industry. A salary, poorly made in-house coffee, witty banter with co-workers, and your own cubicle are just within your reach. You’ve trained hard for this moment, and with your first day looming, you want to make sure you make a good impression right off the bat. It can be hard to strike that balance. You want to be eager but not overly so. You wanna be calm and cool without appearing lazy. Fear not, for here are a few things you can do in order to nail your first day without coming off too strongly.

Be the first to arrive and the last to leave.

While this may seem like a no-brainer, arriving early on your first day is imperative to getting off on the right foot with your superiors. Study your commute to work, and make sure you give yourself plenty of time to get coffee and breakfast so you can arrive with energy and enthusiasm. Also, as the work day reaches a close, be sure you don’t leave until someone dismisses you. Take time to check in with your boss before you leave to make sure you’re done for the day. There is nothing worse than an assumptive trainee who leaves early or with the rest of the team.

It’s okay to overdress on the first day.

To show you care about the office culture and about the professionalism of the job, make sure to overdress a bit on your first day. Obviously don’t arrive in a tux, but a nicely ironed shirt, a pair of fitted dress pants, and some nice shoes go a long way in showing your boss that you’re serious. Also, never, ever, wear painfully clothes like tank tops.

Study the company and come in with questions

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Make sure when you arrive you know the state of the company. What are their recent accomplishments? Where do you feel they’re lacking? How can you help them achieve their goals? Be sure to ask questions all day to show an active interest in your work and position within the company. While you won’t be expected to know everything about the company, it is good to come in over-prepared if you want to stay for the long haul.

Smile and introduce yourself

Make sure you look excited to be there. Smile at everyone, and introduce yourself. Be sure you’re the first one to hold out your hand for a handshake, and always make good eye contact. Your stake at the company depends on whether your co-workers find you friendly and approachable, so be sure to demonstrate that whenever you can on your first day.

Send thank you e-mails

With a successful first day behind you, it’s important to take time to thank those who helped instruct you on the job. Everyone is in others’ way on their first day, so if your co-workers and superiors were able to show patience and understanding, it’s worth thanking them. After all, not every boss is the most understanding with new people.

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