Colin Broderick’s “The Writing Irish Of New York” Is a Compelling Read

Colin Broderick’s “The Writing Irish Of New York” Is a Compelling Read

The Writing Irish of New York is both a detailed history book and an exploration of Irish identity.The carefully curated collection features 22 short personal essays from some of Colin Broderick’s favorite writers. Broderick himself chimes in at times, offering glimpses of his own journey to self-discovery; but for the most part, he lets his allies do most of the talking.

“This is on the whole a fascinating anthology for readers interested in contemporary Irish-American writing,” wrote The Irish Times. Many of the writers choose to speak on their Irish ancestors and what it was like for them to reflect on their complicated pasts while striving for a better future. For Broderick himself, it’s clear from this anthology that the answer is sometimes not so cut and dry when it comes to identity. “All three of these highly interesting books ask the question of what Irishness means, and show that the answer can never be definitive.” While the collection may not provide an “answer,” it’s clear that Broderick believes the journey to be what’s important.

You can purchase the book on Amazon.

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