Fall Self-Care: Your Checklist for Feeling Good

Fall Self-Care: Your Checklist for Feeling Good

As the weather turns colder and drier, your body needs extra TLC to feel its best. Thankfully, there’s an array of products to support your health and vitality in these cooler months.

Pop: Customized Vitamin Packs


The internet has gone bananas for Care/of, the customized vitamin packs designed specifically for your needs. A short quiz will help identify the areas in your health and nutrition that may need a boost. Looking to become pregnant? They’ll throw in a prenatal. Say you love holistic treatments? Milk thistle’s on its way to your door. Your daily dose comes printed with your name in one easy pack.

Sip: Bone Broth


If you’re going to climb on the bone broth bandwagon, then treat yourself to the best of the best. Brodo makes the best bone broths money can buy — they’re New York Times approved, after all — thanks to chef Marco Canora. He’s presided over the simmering kettles at Gramercy Tavern and has a James Beard Award under his belt. If you’re in NYC, saunter up to one of the Brodo windows and grab your bone broth to go. Live out of town? You can order it to arrive at your doorstep.

Stir: Collagen Peptides

Amy Marolf Fitness

Collagen supports strong, healthy joints and bones and promotes the kind of youthful, glowing skin, healthy hair, and strong nails that are part of every fall babe’s seasonal look. Those in the know swear by Vital Proteins. Products are kosher and GMO-free, derived from animals that have been pasture-raised and grass-fed. Dissolve directly into your cold brew with cacao or a morning kale-blueberry smoothie.

Connect: Build a Bonfire

The Daily Meal

You don’t want the cooler days to turn you into a housebound hermit, so skip the Netflix this Friday. Connecting with others nourishes a sense of meaning in our everyday lives—essential as the days get darker. So call up a few friends, grab your best Buffalo plaid, and build a bonfire — or just a smaller campfire — for your posse to gather around. Bring a guitar, a thermos of your favorite herbal teas, or wild fermented ciders to find your center.

Move: Take a Hike


Hiking is good for the body and the spirit, and fall temperatures are perfect for outdoor activity. Whether you choose rolling hills, a steep rocky climb, or something in between, the stunning colors of the season will delight you, and the crisp air will invigorate your senses.

Learn: Read a Book


What else says fall like curling up with a great book, a cup of your favorite tea, and a soft blanket? October is a moment of pause between the end of summer and the start of the holiday season, which makes it the ideal time to crack open that classic you’ve been meaning to read. Reading calms the mind and opens up the imagination.

Restore: Take a Nap


A vitamin pack and collagen boost mean nothing if you’re running yourself ragged in more fundamental ways. Giving your body sufficient rest and relaxation is one of the most important ways you can take care of yourself. It helps support mental and physical health, as well as overall quality of life. Not getting enough shut eye at night? Curl up with an afghan on the couch. A rejuvenating nap can be as short as 20 minutes or as long as 45, depending on the time you have. In return, expect boosted creativity, improved memory, and relieved stress.

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