What introverts and extroverts can learn from each other

What introverts and extroverts can learn from each other

In modern psychology, it is understood that people fall somewhere on the introvert-extrovert spectrum. Introverts often prefer to spend time alone and find socializing for long periods of time to be draining. Extroverts love hanging out with friends and family and often end up feeling drained after spending an extended period alone. Both groups are fully capable of socializing. Their brains just respond to stimulation differently. Extroverts recharge through socialization and introverts recharge through solitude. If you haven’t already figured out which one you are, here’s a short quiz to take.

Introverts and extroverts often seem like polar opposites, but there is a lot they can learn from one another. The population is about evenly split between introverts and extraverts and people from both groups have had their share of success. There’s no harm in getting all the advice you can from the other half. Here are a few things that both types of people can learn from each other.

1. Introverts, bust out of your comfort zone

Introverts are less likely to speak up or actively go out and meet new people. Try to get out of your comfort zone once in awhile. Say hi to someone in the grocery line or go on a blind date. You’ll never have different and interesting people in your life if you don’t attempt to meet someone new. And maybe one of these new people is just as obsessed with your favorite book as you are. You’ll never know if you don’t strike up a conversation.

2. Extroverts, take a step back and listen

Extroverts tend to speak before thinking and usually end up dominating the conversation. Instead of talking all the time, take a step back and listen to the other person. Giving someone else the time and space to speak can lead to new insights and ideas. Hearing what someone else has to say can give you a new perspective on a topic you’re well versed in. Listening is the best way to learn about another person and broaden your own worldview.

3. Introverts, don’t be afraid to take charge

In group settings, introverts are usually reluctant take the lead, even if they might be the most qualified person for the task. This is because a leadership position often requires more extroverted personality traits. But you can still be an effective leader, even (and especially) if you have to think through every decision carefully. Often, introverts are the most social versions of themselves when they are talking about subject they enjoy or have expertise in. Thinking before you speak isn’t the worst thing in the world. Use your skills to the fullest and take charge when you can.

4. Extroverts, spend time building relationships

Extroverts are defined by their ease, comfort and enjoyment in large groups. As a result, they often have a wide circle of friends. Having many different friends that like to do different things is great, but having so many relationships can also prevent you from creating deeper ties. Try to build a deeper relationship with a close friend or family member. Everyone needs a close confidant at times. Having one or two best friends that you feel comfortable sharing your personal secrets with can help you cope with almost anything life can throw at you.

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