Breezy Braces By Tend Reviewed: Here’s How They Stack Up To Clear Aligners

Breezy Braces By Tend Reviewed: Here’s How They Stack Up To Clear Aligners

If you’re looking to straighten your teeth, know you’re not alone. Most of us go out of our way to invest in expensive dental products, procedures, and rituals to ensure we have a picture-perfect smile.

From costly braces to uncomfortable aligners that take months of wear to see results, it can be hard to figure out the best option for straightening your smile.

After researching countless ways to straighten teeth without visible braces, we came across an interesting alternative: Breezy Braces by Tend.

We’ve heard of Tend before; they’re constantly recognized for their revolutionary oral health care through tech and a one-of-a-kind experience. But we didn’t know they were the masterminds behind Breezy Braces – braces that are placed on the back of your teeth.

Since we were looking for an invisible way to straighten our teeth, we decided to dig into Breezy Braces and compare them to clear aligners.

Here’s everything we found:

Key Similarities

  • Both Breezy Braces and clear aligners can straighten teeth
  • Both Breezy Braces and clear aligners are alternatives to visible braces

Key Differences

  • Most clear aligners on average take up to 12-18 months for results
  • Breezy Braces come with faster results
  • Breezy Braces go on the back of your teeth
  • Clear aligners must be taken out to eat while Breezy Braces don’t
  • Breezy Braces are led by an orthodontist
  • Clear aligners take longer to see results due to non-compliance from patients

Breezy Braces By Tend Overview

Breezy Braces are braces placed behind your teeth that use shape memory wire, a NASA-developed tech, to straighten teeth with soft, steady force. Since the wire gently moves your teeth 24/7, there’s never any need to take them out.

After just 2 weeks of use, you’re able to see real results.

Unlike the experience that comes with most invisible aligners, you’re never alone throughout your journey; with Breezy Braces you’ll have check-ins every 6-8 weeks with Tend Orthodontists who spend 2-3 years after dental school in residency to specialize in teeth straightening.

Even better, you have access to Tend and the amazing experience that comes with going into one of their high-end, customer-centric offices where every Tend staff member will ensure you’re well taken care of and above all else, make sure you’re comfortable.

Clear Aligners Overview

Clear aligners are not new and are a safe option many people have chosen to help straighten their smiles.

Most aligners require you to make an impression of your teeth so that the company can customize your aligners to fit your mouth. Once you receive your invisible aligners, you then wear it for around 12-18 months which is when you should expect to see results.

Though many aligners claim to be clear or invisible, that isn’t the case once they come in contact with things like coffee or tea, which can all cause discoloration and staining. Not to mention that these aligners can crack or break, meaning more money spent on a replacement.

Clear aligners also cannot be worn 24/7 as you must remove them when you eat or drink. The more you take them out, the longer you have to wear them to achieve your perfect smile, so your timeline is never definite.

One of the things our editors found a bit daunting about most of the clear aligners we came across was that everything is done at home without the help of a professional.

Did we mention that most of the invisible aligners we tried out aren’t comfortable…or even that invisible?

Final Thoughts

While both Breezy Braces and clear aligners can help get you to that perfect smile, it’s clear Tend offers the most streamlined experience. Access to a licensed Orthodontist who can help with each step of the way should be a top priority for anyone straightening their teeth, and it’s clear Tend’s orthodontists are the best you can get.

Tend has thought through the entire process out and incorporates cutting-edge technology to provide maximum comfort and fast results. Plus, you can’t beat the fact that you’ll start seeing visible results in about two weeks!

And the results only get better as your journey goes on. By the end, you’ll walk out with a million-dollar smile and the amazing experience that comes with working with Tend and their incredibly-knowledged staff.

There’s no need to invest in uncomfortable aligners that can crack, stain, and take forever to straighten teeth when Breezy Braces are an affordable, streamlined alternative.

Looking for a way to straighten your smile? Then it’s time you checked out Breezy Braces.