Customized Vitamins And Minerals To Help You Live Your Best Life

Customized Vitamins And Minerals To Help You Live Your Best Life

These three women are chasing their own version of happiness living super different lifestyles, but one thing that ties them together is MadeFor. It’s a custom supplement service that uses information about your body and lifestyle to create a one-of-a-kind mix of high-quality vitamin and mineral supplements to help you meet your unique health goals.

The daily supplement packs are easy to throw in a purse, and MadeFor’s subscription means you don’t have to make extra trips to the pharmacy to function at your best. Each girl’s lifestyle is wildly different, but Madefor plays a key role in their daily routine to keep them feeling 100%. Read on for a sneak peek into Madeline, Sarah, and Patty’s day-to-day lives.

8:00 AM

Madeline: Still lounging in bed after pressing snooze too many times. I’m about to get up and rush to get dressed for work. I can always put on makeup in the car if I need to.

Sarah: I’m in the carpool lane dropping my twins off at school. Today they’re doing a skit about the first Thanksgiving at assembly, and I was up all night making costumes. I’m so tired.

Patty: ZzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZ

10:00 AM

Madeline: I’m finally at work, checking my emails to see if there were any advertising emergencies that happened overnight. I usually drink my coffee and have a granola bar at my desk around this time, along with taking my MadeFor vitamins. The daily packs are little so I can throw them in my purse in the mornings. My mix has a lot of supplements to boost brain power, because I’m in line for a promotion but have been feeling kind of foggy lately.

Sarah: After dropping the kids off, I run to a spin class. Since the twins were born, I haven’t had a steady sleep schedule and have been tired a lot. Like a lot. Exercise helps me fall asleep at night better.

Patty: ZZZzzzzzZZZZZzzzzZZZZZZ

1:00 PM

Madeline: Lunchtime! I take a break with my work wife Michelle to go to our favorite salad place. I spend too much to get salmon on my salad, and we talk about a presentation I’m giving in the afternoon.

Sarah: Home for the day and I’m taking care of some stuff around the house and enjoying a few precious hours of quiet. I take my MadeFor vitamin pack, which has supplements to help me with my sleep. I’ve been taking them for a few months and have noticed a huge difference in how well rested I feel.

Patty: Rise and shine!! My alarm goes off at noon, and I’m eating some cereal and having way too much coffee, as usual, this morning. I’m a bartender, so I work nights. I’m reading a great book, and I like to finish a chapter each morning.

3:00 PM

Madeline: I’ve got a huge rush of adrenaline before giving my presentation, so I skip the usual afternoon coffee that gets me through the end of the day. I’m going over my bullet points in my head and feeling pretty confident.

Sarah: Carpool time again! Kiss the twins hello.

Patty: I’m a painter by trade so I spend a couple of hours working on my drawings before getting ready for work.

5:00 PM

Madeline: My presentation went great! I swear these vitamins make a huge difference in my ability to answer follow up questions articulately. Putting the finishing touches on some work before heading to happy hour with my friends for trivia night!

Sarah: My family is eating dinner, which is always my favorite time of day. It’s the one time we get to all be together, and I cherish it. Today we’re eating lasagna and playing board games as a treat!

Patty: I just got to my shift at the bar and am eating some food and trying to get excited for the night. I take my MadeFor_ vitamins out of my purse, and down them before the after-work rush begins. My supplements help boost my energy, so I can be charismatic on my feet all night long at the bar until my shift ends at 2 AM. Get ready to make some tips!

MadeFor makes supplement mixes as unique as you are. Take their 3 minute online survey, and they’ll use information about your body, diet, goals, and lifestyle to recommend supplements to help you live your best life.

Update: Madefor has a limited time offer that gets you up to 20% Off! Click here to get the discount.