My Expectations Vs. Reality With Hairstory

My Expectations Vs. Reality With Hairstory

Editor’s Note: I’ve never been great at maintaining my hair – it’s really thin and I honestly prefer to ignore it altogether, but lately it’s been drier and more damaged than ever. I’ve tried everything from removing shampoo to washing every day and packing on post-shower products, but now I just avoid washing it altogether.


I’d previously seen Hairstoryads online, but let’s just say I’ve learned my lesson about buying from Instagram.

Hairstory’s New Wash is apparently a one-stop solution to the shampoo and conditioner dilemma. Traditional shampoos are known to have harsh detergents that strip your hair, while Hairstory is detergent and sulfate-free. It cleanses and conditions hair in just one simple step, and it’s for all hair types; curly, straight, fine, dry – all of it!

I saw that New Wash also lets you wash your hair less than usual which immediately got my attention. Considering my hair feels the worst after my shower, the less I had to deal with that, the better.

While I like the idea of washing my hair less, that’s not to say it doesn’t get greasy between washes – as in, so greasy no amount of dry shampoo can help me. I’m stuck in a vicious cycle – after I wash my hair, it’s so dry it becomes static-y and sticks to my clothes, and then in a few days, it ends up stringy and greasy. No day is a good hair day for me right now.

I’ve tried cutting out shampoo to help my hair with moisture and it ended up practically slicked to my head, so needless to say I was a little nervous trying a one-step routine again with New Wash.

But, I was desperate for a fix, and no amount of hair masks or leave-in conditioner could help, so I decided to give Hairstory a try and order their New Wash.


When my New Wash arrived, I couldn’t wait to get started. I hadn’t washed my hair in a few days, so I immediately took a shower with it.

It had a super creamy texture, unlike some of the thinner shampoos I had used, and it didn’t suds up. It was odd not having any bubbles, but I learned that suds in shampoos are actually the result of detergents stripping your hair and scalp of natural oils.

It only took me a few minutes to apply and rinse, and then I was done! I did pick up my old conditioner out of habit but realized that was the old me – goodbye conditioner.

I styled it and dried it like normal, and I can honestly say that I wasn’t itching or scratching my scalp with my brush like I usually do when I blow-dry my hair.

After using New Wash for two weeks, I could easily notice a difference. Typically after two days, I’d start to see my hair clump thanks to grease, but I could definitely go another day or so without a wash… so I did.

Hairstory completely upped my hair game and routine. I don’t spend crazy amounts of time in the shower shampooing and conditioning, and I don’t even use any post-shower masks or products (which is saving me a small fortune too). I can honestly say my hair is softer and way healthier than it’s ever been.

I’m officially out of the wash-grease-repeat cycle and in the Hairstory cycle! I joined their refill club and now get free shipping, more product, and 15% off.

I wash my hair about once a week on average, and the brittle, dry hair I used to have is gone! I do less with my hair but get way more out of it thanks to Hairstory.

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