How To Get Healthy Hair When You’re A Busy Mom

How To Get Healthy Hair When You’re A Busy Mom

Working full time and being a mom of two wild boys barely leaves me any time for myself – especially when it comes to hair and beauty. I can’t remember the last time I had the patience to apply a hair mask or wore make-up.

Lately, my hair has turned into a nightmare that I can no longer put on the back burner. I had to get it under control ASAP!

I have super thin, fine hair that gets greasy quickly – I can’t stand how drab my hair looks. I’ve been washing it daily to avoid the grease, but it’s simply not working.

I was at my son’s Little League game complaining to other busy moms and one recommended I try Hairstory‘s New Wash.

She advised that frequent washing was actually stripping my scalp of natural oils. So my scalp was trying to overcompensate for the loss by producing more oils – thus my greasy-greasy hair. I didn’t believe it, but she swore that Hairstory’s detergent-free New Wash would get me out of the constant washing cycle.

Of course, our busy moms group noticed her healthy hair, drawing attention to us instead of the game. We quickly ended our hair gossip and cheered on the kids – how sweet. I couldn’t stop thinking though, was New Wash the way to go? Her hair was soft and not at all greasy.

As soon as I got home, I looked up Hairstory online. I still doubted that it could help with my hair drama. It’s probably packed with harsh chemicals and costs half a fortune. But when I read about Hairstory’s New Wash, I was intrigued:

  • It’s a one-step hair solution that works for every hair type
  • Replaces shampoo and conditioner
  • Detergent and sulfate-free – Restores your hair’s natural cycle of oil production
  • Formulated to bring out soft, shiny, and healthy hair
  • Free shipping and 15% off with their sustainable Refill Club

Hairstory‘s New Wash seemed exactly what I needed – a quick and effective hair care routine that keeps me from having to wash my hair every single day! I decided to try it and ordered their New Wash Original for $40 (8oz).

I couldn’t wait for my order to arrive. And when it did, I jumped into the shower the same night. Washing and rinsing with Hairstory’s New Wash took less than 5 minutes – perfect for busy moms!

I love it that I don’t need much of the creamy formula to cover my entire head. However, the no suds threw me off. But it turns out harmful detergents in my old product were stripping the oils in the first place.

Brushing was easy, and after my hair dried, I realized that my scalp didn’t itch like it usually does. My hair smells delicious, it’s vibrant and super soft. Even my boys noticed when we cuddled on the sofa, eating popcorn, and watching Trollhunters.

I continued with my new Hairstory routine for about two weeks, resisting the urge to wash daily. Then I noticed real results – I will say the transition was tough but totally doable. One wash lasts for three full days, and my hair looks fantastic. Instead of hiding it up in a bun, I now feel confident wearing it down. Plus, less hair washing means more time running around with my boys.

Hairstory’s New Wash is my new go-to hair product. I highly recommend it to all busy moms. It will save time and money. Try it yourself and thank me later 😉

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