How to Stay Ripped in Quarantine

How to Stay Ripped in Quarantine

The gyms are closed, and no one knows when they’re going to be opened back up again.

This is an unprecedented event unlike any other. After three years shredding your way to the top, all that work you put in to chiseling those biceps and smashing those PBs are in jeopardy. But fear not, try to think of this as an opportunity. It’s time to get your house in tip-top shape, so you can stay in tip top shape. Here are ways to Pandemic Proof your house so you can get back to beasting it up.

It’s Time to Start on That Personal Gym

These days it isn’t too expensive to put together a decent home gym. Sure, it may not have all the bells and whistles of your neighborhood joint, but an event this unprecedented means sacrifices. A power rack, if space allows, can be your absolute best friend in a time like this. Throw in a barbell, bench, and a set of dumbbells off Craigslist and you can thoroughly train your entire body. While the price on all of this home equipment will undoubtedly fluctuate depending on quality, everything aforementioned is relatively affordable. Once your supplies are stocked up, just go to Google. The Internet has a number of amazing lifting videos, and with all this equipment available to you now, it’s guaranteed to widen your options.

Stock Your Fridge

Everyone knows that diet is just as important as your regiment. While food was normally in abundance, recent happenings may have caused some of your go-to’s to be in relatively short supply. But you need to beef up, summer is right around the corner and you still need to look your shredliest when swimsuit season arrives. Eggs are now your best friend. They are widely available, and as you know, rich in protein. Additionally be sure to order a little extra supplements during your next order. Most protein powders don’t require refrigeration, so you can stock up without fear that they’ll expire. If you’re really trying to stay bulky, look into an additional meal replacement powder.

Stay Vigilant and Focused

Invest in a good pre-workout to make sure those workouts don’t lag. Since we’re gonna be in our houses for a while, it could be easy to write-off home workouts and just hit the couch. The gym is normally your sanctuary. The hustle and bustle of it all keeps you focused and motivated, but in this pandemic, it’s time for you to be your own coach. Push yourself in every workout just as you would in the gym, maybe even do a Zoom lift session with a couple of your bromigos to hype you up. The point is: We’ll all get through this, and it’s important to practice self motivation and self love in a time like this.

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