The Latest Kate‘s images are spreading across the internet in an effort to encourage a positive attitude and good mental health. She has been making positive art for a while. Her tumblr notes October of 2013 as when she started updating with feel-good images to lift her audience’s spirits. She worked in the beginning with short comics and drawings of people, usually women, and included encouraging phrases and positive saying, but over time, her work became more colorful and mostly centered around adorable animals instead, at times even reminiscent of a toned-down Lisa Frank. Whether cuddly critters are your thing or not, the messages attached to the sweet images can be exactly what we need to hear at our darkest moments. The messages include reminders that making progress is something to be proud of, no matter how small, and that our struggles are valid and don’t define us. Check out some of her creations in the slideshow below and remind yourself of their messages next time you find yourself at a difficult place on your True Self journey. If you like The Latest Kate’s work, her art can be purchased in her shop.
Never let anyone make you feel less than. You are exactly who you need to be. Maybe you are striving to change in the future, but you have to be who you are now to get there.
We all have the tools to achieve what we want, but sometimes it takes a lot of work. It won’t always be easy, but you can be successful if you keep working at it.
We all struggle. We all fight. We all feel hopeless sometimes. But none of this makes anyone a failure as long as they don’t give up.
Sometimes the hardest part of struggling is feeling like you’re doing it alone and that no one can understand, but lots of people struggle. In fact, everyone does. We don’t always talk about it, but you are not alone in the fight you’re facing.
You define who you are and who you want to be. Make decisions about yourself for yourself, and don’t let other people tell you to change if you’re happy with yourself.
We are all winging it. You’re dong just as well as anyone else. We’re always our own worst critics.
It’s ok to take things on slowly or in small pieces. No one expects you do everything right now. Allow yourself to take things as they come and build up to the big stuff.
Everyone is building toward something. You might think other people have everything all figured out, but they don’t, so you don’t have to right now either.
We’re all just figuring life out together. No one got a handbook. Everyone is just trying to do their best and making some mistakes along the way.
Self love is important. Time to regroup and rest is important. Don’t forget to make time to be alone if that’s what you need, and never feel guilty for it.