Best and worst cities for singles

Best and worst cities for singles

“All the single ladies…” and gents for that matter. Are you wondering where you ought to live to have the best single-person lifestyle? If you’re over your solo status and want to meet Mr. or Mrs. Right, where you live can have an impact on your happiness and likelihood you will eventually meet your “other half.”

As per WalletHub, the personal finance website, “More than 45% of all U.S. adults are single.” That’s why their data team reviewed all 50 U.S. states and the District of Columbia to determine which are the best and which are the worst for singles looking for love.

Using 23 key indicators including gender balance, online-dating opportunities, mobile-dating opportunities, household income, restaurants per capita, movie theaters per capita, crime rate, and more, WalletHub came up with an overall ranking of which states scored big for singles looking for their match and which fell short for making singles shine.

Are you single and wondering if where you live is making or breaking your chance to find true love? Here are the top and bottom 10 states for single success:

Best States for Singles

  1. Washington
  2. Colorado
  3. California
  4. Montana
  5. South Dakota
  6. Texas
  7. Hawaii
  8. Nevada
  9. District of Columbia
  10. Florida

Worst States for Singles

  1. Mississippi
  2. Alabama
  3. Arkansas
  4. West Virginia
  5. Alaska
  6. Kentucky
  7. New Mexico
  8. South Carolina
  9. Tennessee
  10. Maryland

Did your state make the top or bottom 10? For the full listing, see the findings on WalletHub’s site. While you can’t blame your dateless nights on this data alone, you’ll at least have an excuse when your nosy Aunt Betsy keeps asking why you’re still single. And perhaps you will consider moving someplace where you’ll be more likely to find a mate to bring to the next Thanksgiving dinner.

Until then, enjoy your single life no matter where you live. With such a high divorce rate in the U.S., maybe being single isn’t such a bad thing.

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